YSU Registration Guidelines for Undergraduates 2022/2023
The registration guidelines for both fresh and stale undergraduate students of the Yobe State University (YSU) for the 2022/2023 academic session.

This is to inform both new and returning students of Yobe State University (YSU) that the management of the institution has released the registration guidelines for the 2022/2023 academic session.
Yobe State University (YSU) Registration Guidelines
New Students:
STEP 1: VISIT PORTALOn a web browser, visit ysu.edu.ng/smis/students and enter your student ID number & JAMB number to Login.
STEP 2: PROFILE INFORMATIONEach of the icons displayed on the student profile represents a registration form section.
Click on each and provide the required information.
After completing the Contact & Health Info update and Course Registration, click on the Download Course Registration Form.
Note that at this stage, Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) code will be generated. You must make payment online or copy the RRR code and pay @ any Bank Branch (you don’t need any account number to make payment).
NOTE! There will be no submission of hardcopies to the Faculties, Departments, Exams & Records or Bursary.