DELSU Change of Course Form 2022/2023
Delta State University (DELSU) application for transfer/consideration for the vacancies declared for the 2022/2023 academic session admission exercise.
The cost of DELSU change of course form is Five Thousand Naira (₦5,000).

This is to inform candidates who met the cut-off mark for their respective courses but have not been admitted as a result of quota, and those who did not meet the cut-off are hereby informed of vacancies in the underlisted programmes.
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DELSU Cut-Off Marks, Available Programmes & Requirements
Cut-Off Marks:
Accounting and Finance 50
Agribusiness Management 40
Agric. Economics 40
Agric. Education 40
Agric. Extension 40
Agriculture 40
Anatomy and Cell Biology 48
Animal & Environmental Biology 40
Animal Science 40
Banking & Finance 45
Biochemistry 48
Biochemistry Technology 45
Biological Technology 45
Biology Education 40
Biotechnology 50
Botany 40
Business Administration 50
Business Education 40
Chemical Engineering 45
Chemistry 40
Chemistry Education 40
Chemistry Technology 40
Civil Engineering 50
Computer Education 40
Computer Science 52
Crop Science 40
Early Childhood Education 40
Economics 46
Economics Education 40
Educational Management (Econs.) 40
Educational Management (History & Int. Std..) 40
Educational Management (Pol. Sci.) 40
Electrical Engineering 50
English & Literary Studies 45
English Education 45
Entrepreneurship 50
Fine & Applied Arts 45
Fine Art Education 40
Fisheries 40
Forestry & Wild Life 40
French 40
French Education 40
Geography & Regional Planning 40
Geography Education 40
Geology 40
Guidance & Counselling Edu. 40
Health and Safety Education 40
History & Inter. Studies 47
History Education 40
Home Economics Education 40
Human Kinetics, Recreation and Sports Sci. 40
Industrial Chemistry 40
Industrial Mathematics 40
Integrated Science Education 40
Law 62
Library & Information Science Education 40
Linguistics 45
Linguistics / Urhobo 40
Marketing 42
Mass Communication 52
Mathematics 40
Mathematics Education 40
Mechanical Engineering 50
Medical Biochemistry 48
Medical Laboratory Science 60
Medicine & Surgery 72
Microbiology 48
Music 40
Music Education 40
Nursing Science 67
Office and Informational Mgt. 40
Petroleum Engineering 45
Pharmacology 50
Pharmacy 65
Philosophy 45
Physics 40
Physics & Electronics Technology 40
Physics Education 40
Physiology 47
Political Science 48
Political Science Education 40
Psychology 45
Public Administration 40
Religious Studies 40
Religious Studies Education 40
Social Science Education (Socal Studies) 40
Sociology 45
Soil Science (Agronomy) 40
Technical Education 40
Theatre Arts 48
Available Programmes:
S/N Department
1. Agriculture/Agric. Economics
2 Animal Science
3. Fisheries
4. Forestry & Wild Life
5 Soil Crop Science (Agronomy)
6 Agric. Business Management
1. English & Literary
2 Fine & Applied Arts
3. French
4. History & Inter. Studies
5 Linguistics/Urhobo
6 Linguistics
7. Music
8 Philosophy
9 Religious Studies
10. Theatre Arts
College of Health Science
1. Anatomy and Cell Biology
2 Medical Biochemistry
3 Pharmacology
4. Physiology
1. Agric. Education
2 Biology Education
3. Business Education
4. Chemistry Education
5 Computer Education
6 Economics Education
7. English Education
8 Fine Arts Education
9 French Education
10. Geography Education
11. Guidance and Counselling
12. Health Education
13. History Education
14. Home Economics Education
15. Educational Management {Computer Science Education)
16. Educational Management (Economics)
17. Educational Management History and International Studies
18 Educational Management {Political Science)
19 Integrated Science
20 Mathematics Education
21 Music Education
22 Physical and Health Education
23 Physics Education
24 Political Science Education
25 Religious Education
26 Social Science Education (Social Studies)
27 Technical Education
28 Early Childhood Education (Nursery and Primary Education)
1 Chemical Engineering
2 Petroleum Engineering
3 Mechanical
4 Civil Engineering
5 Electrical/Electronics Engineering
Management Science
1 Banking and Finance
2 Marketing
3 Public Administration
4 Entrepreneurship
5 Office and Information Management
6 Accounting
1. Animal and Environmental Biology
2 Biochemistry
3 Botany
4 Chemistry
5 Geology
6 Industrial Chemistry
7 Industrial Mathematics
8 Mathematics
9 Medical Laboratory Science
10 Biotechnology
11 Microbiology
12 Physics
13 Science Laboratory Technology
Social Sciences
1 Geography and Regional Planning
2 Psychology
3 Economics
4 Mass Communication
5 Political Science
6 Sociology
NOTE: To qualify for transfer into the courses listed above, candidates are expected to have written the underlisted subjects in JAMB as indicated against the courses.

How to Apply for DELSU Change of Course Form
Eligible candidates applying for consideration for the advertised vacancies are expected to follow the underlisted application instructions:Pay the sum of N5,000 for the change of course into the following account details:
Account Name: DELSU Net Income
Bank: Zenith Bank Plc,
Account Number: 1012233419
Visit the University Website at: to complete the application form
Scan and upload the following documents:JAMB result slip
O’Level result(s)
the Five thousand naira (N5,000) application teller
NOTE: Candidates MUST wait for a directive from the University before going to JAMB to change their courses.