UNILAG Announces New Fees and Certificate Demurrage Payment
The University of Lagos (UNILAG) has revised charges on various services and introduced demurrage fees on uncollected certificates. The costs of reissued certificates, document uploads, and transfer application forms have been updated. Certificate demurrage will accrue annually on uncollected certificates. These changes took effect from May 31, 2023, and will be reviewed every five years.

The Senate of the University of Lagos (UNILAG), at its meeting held on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, has conducted a review of fees related to services provided by the University and approved a new policy regarding demurrage payment on certificates. The reviewed charges and the new policy are detailed below:
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Re-Issued CertificatesThe cost of re-issuance for burnt or damaged certificates shall be Fifty Thousand Naira (₦50, 000.00), in response to the rising rate of inflation.
Certificates with spelling errors attributable to students’ mistakes will be re-issued at a cost of Thirty-Five Thousand Naira (₦35,000.00). This charge applies if the certificate is returned for re-issuance before a change of signatories.
If a spelling error on a certificate is made by the University, it will be re-issued at no extra cost to the student, provided the certificate is returned for re-issuance before the change of signatories.
If a certificate with errors as described in (3) above is not returned for re-issuance before the change of signatories, a charge of Thirty-Five Thousand Naira (₦35,000.00) will apply.
These changes are in addition to the previously approved policy on certificate re-issuance.
Uploading of Documents on Application Portal
A total processing cost of Twenty-Five Thousand Naira (₦25,000.00) will be charged for uploading transcripts on the application portal.
Inter/Intra Faculty Transfer Application Form
Obtaining the Inter/Intra Faculty Transfer Application Form will now cost Twenty Thousand Naira (₦20,000.00).
Demurrage Payment on Certificates
The Senate also approved the introduction of a demurrage policy for uncollected certificates:Any certificate not collected in the year immediately following convocation will attract a demurrage charge of Ten Thousand Naira (₦10,000.00).
There will be an additional charge of Five Thousand Naira (₦5,000.00) for each year the certificate remains uncollected.
This policy is in addition to previously approved charges for convocation and certificate collection.