OAU Postgraduate Courses: Explore Your Options
Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) offers an array of postgraduate programmes, including Postgraduate Diploma (PGD), Professional Masters (MPA, MIR, MM Psych, LL.M. etc), Masters with Research Thesis (M.Sc., M.A, M.Phil.), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree Programmes. A comprehensive list of these courses is available for viewing below.

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) is known for its commitment to academic excellence and its varied postgraduate course offerings that prepare students for successful careers in a variety of disciplines. Ranging from Postgraduate Diplomas (PGD) to professional Master’s Degrees, Masters with Research Thesis, and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees, OAU provides a diverse array of options for advanced study.
In this post, we will break down the different programmes available, providing you with an overview of each category and what to expect should you pursue your studies at OAU.
OAU Postgraduate Courses
Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Programmes
The Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) programmes are designed to enhance the qualifications of individuals who have completed a bachelor’s degree. These programmes provide a pathway for further learning, allowing students to explore a field of interest in greater depth. PGD programmes are typically one year in duration and include rigorous coursework in a specific subject area.
Professional Masters Programmes
OAU offers a variety of professional master’s programmes, including Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of International Relations (MIR), Master of Managerial Psychology (MM Psych), and Master of Laws (LL.M.), among others. These programmes are designed to prepare graduates for leadership roles in their respective fields. They combine theoretical learning with practical applications, ensuring that graduates have both the knowledge and skills to succeed in the professional world.
Masters with Research Thesis
Masters with Research Thesis programmes, including Master of Science (M.Sc.), Master of Arts (M.A), and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), are designed for students interested in pursuing research-focused careers or further academic study. These programmes typically take two years to complete and culminate in a research thesis, which contributes to the body of knowledge in the student’s field of study.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programmes
For those aspiring to contribute to academic research at the highest level, OAU offers a range of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes. These programmes demand significant research commitment and original contributions to the chosen field of study. As a PhD student, you will work closely with faculty members to design, research, and write a dissertation that reflects a high level of expertise in your discipline.
Dept of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Ed (Adult Education)
M.A (Adult Education)
Ph.D. (Adult Education)
Dept of African Institute For Science Policy And Innovation (AISPI) – 2022/2023 Harmattan
EMICTPR (Executive Masters of Technology in ICT Policy and Regulations)
EMTM (Executive Masters in Technology Management)
M.Tech. (Technology Management)
M.Sc. (Technology Management)
Ph.D (Technology Management)
Dept of Agric. Ext. & Rural Sociology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. (Agricultural Communication)
Dept of Agricultural Economics – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD Agribusiness
Master Degree in Agribusiness (MAB)
Dept of Agricultural Engineering – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Anatomy – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Phil (Anatomy)
Dept of Animal Science – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Architecture – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Masters in Interior Design (Executive)
Dept of Arts and Social Science Education – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Ed. Curriculum Studies (Arts Option)
M.A .Ed. (Religious Studies)
M.A. Ed. (English)
M.A. Ed. (Fine and Applied Arts)
M.A. Ed. (French)
M.A. Ed. (History)
M.A. Ed. (Music)
M.A. Ed. (Social Studies)
M.A. Ed. (Yoruba)
M.A.Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
M.A.Ed. (Language Arts)
M.Sc. Ed. (Economics)
M.Sc. Ed. (Geography)
M.Sc. Ed. (Political Science)
M. Phil. Ed. (Curriculum studies)
M. Phil. Ed. (Social Science Education)
M. Phil. Ed. (Social Studies)
M.Phil (Language Education)
Ph.D. (Language Education)
Ph.D. (Social Science Education)
Ph.D. Ed. Curriculum Studies (Arts Option)
Dept of Biochemistry – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M. Phil.
Dept of Botany – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Phil (Botany)
Dept of Building – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. in Building Maintenance
M.Sc. in Building Services
M.Sc. in Building Structures
M.Sc. in Construction Management
M.Phil. in Building Maintenance
M.Phil. in Building Services
M.Phil. in Building Structures
M.Phil. in Construction Management
Ph.D. in Building Maintenance
Ph.D. in Building Services
Ph.D. in Building Structures
Ph.D. in Construction Management
Centre for Gender and Social Policy Studies – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Gender and Development)
M.Sc. (Gender and Development)
Ph.D. (Gender and Development)
Centre for Industrial Research & Dev. – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Entrepreneurship Development)
Dept of Chemical Engineering – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Chemical Pathology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Chemistry – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Phil. Analytical Chemistry
M.Phil. Inorganic Chemistry
M.Phil. Organic Chemistry
M.Phil. Physical Chemistry
M.Sc. (Applied Chemistry)
M.Sc. (Chemistry)
M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry
M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry
M.Sc. Organic Chemistry
M.Sc. Physical Chemistry
M.Phil (Applied Chemistry)
M.Phil (Chemistry)
Ph.D (Applied Chemistry)
Ph.D (Chemistry)
Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry
Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry
Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry
Dept of Civil Engineering – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Community Health – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Executive Masters of Public Health (MPH)
Masters of Public Health(MPH)
M.Phil. (Public Health)
PhD. (Public Health)
Dept of Computer Science – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Computer Science)
EMIT (Executive Masters in Information Technology)
M.Sc. (Computer Engineering)
M.Sc. (Computer Science)
M.Sc. (Information Systems)
M.Sc. (Intelligent Systems Engineering)
M.Sc. (Software Engineering)
M.Tech. (Executive Masters in Information Technology)
M.Phil. (Computer Engineering)
M.Phil. (Computer Science)
M.Phil. (Information Systems)
M.Phil. (Intelligent Systems Engineering)
M.Phil. (Software Engineering)
Ph.D (Computer Science)
Ph.D. (Computer Engineering)
Ph.D. (Information Systems)
Ph.D. (Intelligent Systems Engineering)
Ph.D. (Software Engineering)
Dept of Crop Production and Protection – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Demography & Social Statistics – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Masters in Demography and Social Statistics
M.Phil (Demography and Social Statistics)
Dept of Dramatic Arts – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Dramatic Art)
Dept of Drug Research & Production Unit – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Phytomedicines)
M.Sc. (Phytomedicines)
Dept of Economics – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Economics)
Executive Master of Economics Science
Master of Professional Economics (Executive)
M.Phil (Economics)
Dept of Educational Foundations and Counselling – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.A. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
M.A. Ed. (History of Education)
M.A. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)
M.A. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
M.A. Ed. (Sociology of Education)
M.A. Ed. (Test and Measurement )
M.Phil. (Guidance and Counselling)
M.Phil. (History of Education)
M.Phil. (Philosophy of Education)
M.Phil. (Psychology of Education)
M.Phil. (Sociology of Education)
M.Phil. (Test and Measurement )
Dept of Educational Management – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Ed (Educational Planning)
M.Ed (Educational Administration)
M.Ed (Higher Educational Administration)
M.A. Education (Educational Administration)
M.A. Education (Higher Educational Administration)
M.A.Education (Educational Planning)
M.Phil. Management Information System
M.Phil. Economics of Education
M.Phil. Educational Administration
M.Phil. Educational Planning
M.Phil. Higher Educational Administration
M.Phil. Human Resource Management in Education
Ph.D. Economics of Education
Ph.D. Education (Educational Administration)
Ph.D. Education (Educational Planning)
Ph.D. Education (Higher Educational Administration)
Ph.D. Human Resources Management in Education
Ph.D. Management Information System in Education
Ph.D. Management Information Systemsb in Education
Dept of Educational Technology and Library Studies – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Ed Educational Technology
M.Ed. e-Learning
M.A. Educational Technology
M.A.Ed. e-Learning
M.Phil. Educationl Technology
Ph.D. Educational Technology
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD in Energy Systems Science and Engineering
Master of Technology in Energy Systems Science and Engineering
M.Phil. in Energy Systems Science and Engineering
M.Sc. (Electronic and Electrical Engineering)
M.Sc. in Energy Systems Science and Engineering
M.Phil. (Electronic and Electrical Engineering)
Ph.D (Electronic and Electrical Engineering)
Ph.D. in Energy Systems Science and Engineering
Dept of English – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.A. (Literature in English)
M.Phil. (Literature in English)
P.hD. (Literature in English)
Dept of Estate Management – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD Estate Management
EMRS (Executive Masters in Real Estate)
Masters in Real Estate Business Management (Executive)
M.Phil (Estate Management)
Dept of Fine Arts – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Food Science & Technology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Food Science & Technology)
M.Sc. (Food Science & Technology)
M.Phil (Food Science & Technology)
Ph.D (Food Science and Technology)
Dept of Foreign Languages – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.A (Comparative Literature)
M.A. (French Language and Linguistics)
M.A. German Lang. & Linguistics
M.A. Lit. in Portuguese
M.A. Portuguese Lang. & Linguistics
M.A.(African Lit. in French)
M.A.(French Literature)
M.A.(Lusophone Area Studies)
M.Phil (African Lit. in French)
M.Phil (Comparative Literature)
M.Phil (French Literature)
M.Phil. (French Language and Linguistics)
M.Phil. German Lang & Linguistics
M.Phil. Lit. in Portuguese
M.Phil. Portuguese Lang & Linguistics
M.Phil.(Lusophone Area Studies)
Ph.D (African Lit. in French)
Ph.D (Comparative Literature)
Ph.D (French Lang. and Lit.)
Ph.D. (French Language and Linguistic)
Ph.D. German Lang. & Linguistics
Ph.D. Lit. in Portuguese
Dept of Geography – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.GIS & Remote Sensing
Masters in Geographic Information Systems (Executive)
M.Sc. in Space Population Studies
M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS)
M.Sc. in Disaster Monitoring and Management
M.Phil. (Geography)
M.Phil. (Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System)
Ph.D. (Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System)
Dept of Geology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. (Applied Geophysics)
M.Sc.(Applied Geology)
M.Phil (Applied Geology)
M.Phil. (Applied Geophysics)
P.hD (Applied Geophysics)
Ph.D (Applied Geology)
Dept of Haematology and Immunology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. Immunology
M.Phil (Immunology)
PhD (Immunology)
Dept of History – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.A (African History)
M.A (Diplomatic History)
M.A (Economic History)
Ph.D (History)
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Studies – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Ecology)
Executive Masters in Environmental Control and Management
M.Sc.(Environmental Control and Management)
Ph.D (Environmental Control and Management)
Institute of Education – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Education)
M.Ed (Early Childhood)
M.Ed in Integrated Science
M.Ed Social Studies
M.A. (Ed) in Integrated Science
M.A. Ed Social Studies
M.A.Ed(Early Childhood Education)
M.Phil. Ed. Social Studies
M.Phil (Ed) in Early Childhood Development
M.Phil. (Ed) in Integrated Science
Ph.D (Ed) in Integrated Science
Ph.D (Ed) in Early Childhood Development
Ph.D (Ed) in Integrated Science
Ph.D. Ed. Social Studies
Dept of International Relations – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (International Relations)
Masters in International Relations
Ph.D (International Relations)
Dept of Law – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Linguistics and African language – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.A. Linguistics
M.A. Yoruba Language
M.A. Yoruba Linguistics
M.A. Yoruba Literature
M.Phil. Yoruba Language
M.Phil. Yoruba Linguistics
M.Phil. Yoruba Literature
M.Phil. Linguistics
Ph.D. Linguistics
Ph.D. Yoruba Language
Ph.D. Yoruba Linguistics
Ph.D. Yoruba Literature
Dept of Local Government and Development Studies – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Master of Local Government and Development Studies
Dept of Local Government Studies – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD Local Government and Development Studies
MPhil Local Givernment and Development Studies
MSc Local Government and Development Studies
PhD Local Government and Development Studies
Dept of Management and Accounting – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Financial Management)
PGD (Management Studies)
Executive Master in Business Administration
Master in Business Administration (Regular)
M.Sc. (Accounting)
M.Sc. (Business Administration)
M.Phil (Business Administration)
Ph.D (Accounting)
Ph.D (Business Administration)
Dept of Materials Science and Engineering – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Master in Subsea Engineering (M,SSE)
M.Sc in Nanotechnology and Structured Materials
M.Sc. (Material Science and Engineering)
M.Phil. (Material Science and Engineering)
Ph.D (Material Science and Engineering)
Dept of Mathematics – 2022/2023 Harmattan
EMAS (Executive Masters in Actuarial Science)
Master of Actuarial Science
M.Sc (Statistics)
M.Phil (Mathematics)
M.Phil (Statistics)
Dept of Mechanical Engineering – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering)
M.Phil. (Mechanical Engineering)
Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering)
Dept of Medical Microbiology & Parasitology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Medical Rehabilitation – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Mental Health – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Master of Clinical Psychology
Ph.D (Clinical Psychology)
Ph.D (Psychiatry)
Dept of Microbiology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Music – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Phil (Music)
Dept of Natural History Museum – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.C.S.(Conservation Science)
M.Phil (Biosystematics)
Dept of Nursing – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Phil (Nursing)
Dept of Ophthalmology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Phil. Ophthalmology
M.Sc. Ophthalmology
Ph.D. Ophthalmology
Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Analysis)
M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
M.Phil. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Ph.D (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Dept of Pharmaceutics – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. (Pharmaceutics)
M.Phil (Pharmaceutics)
Ph.D (Pharmaceutics)
Dept of Pharmacognosy – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. (Pharmacognosy)
M.Phil (Pharmacognosy)
Ph.D (Pharmacognosy)
Dept of Pharmacology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. (Pharmacology)
M.Phil (Pharmacology)
Ph.D (Pharmacology)
Dept of Pharmacy – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Pharmacy Administration
Pharmacy Administration (M.Phil)
Pharmacy Administration (Ph.D)
Dept of Philosophy – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Physical Education – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Physics – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Physics)
PGD Applied Physics
M.Phil (Health Physics & Environment)
M.Phil (Materials Science)
M.Phil (Medical Physics)
M.Phil (Nuclear Science & Engineering)
M.Sc (Health Physics & Environment)
M.Sc (Materials Science)
M.Sc (Medical Physics)
M.Sc (Nuclear Science and Engineering)
M.Sc. (Engineering Physics)
M.Sc. (Nuclear Science and Engineering)
M.Sc. (Physics)
M.Phil (Engineering Physics)
M.Phil. (Physics)
Ph.D (Engineering Physics)
Ph.D (Health Physics & Environment)
Ph.D (Materials Science)
Ph.D (Medical Physics)
Ph.D (Nuclear Science & Engineering)
Ph.D (Physics)
Dept of Physiology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Phil (Physiological Sciences)
Ph.D (Physiology)
Dept of Political Science – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc (with Thesis) in Political Science
Master of Political Science (M.P.S.) with Long Essay
Ph.D (Political Science)
Dept of Preventive and Community Dentistry – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Master of Dental Implantology (Executive)
Masters of Dental Public Health
Dept of Psychology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
EMMP (Executive Masters in Managerial Psychology)
Masters in Managerial Psychology
Dept of Public Administration – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Public Administration)
EMPA (Executive Master’s in Public Administration)
Master of Public Administration
M.Sc. (Public Administration)
Ph.D (Public Administration)
Dept of Quantity Surveying – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Phil (Quantity Surveying)
Dept of Religious Studies – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Phil (Religious Studies)
Dept of Science and Technology Education – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M. Ed.Curriculum Studies (Science Option)
M.Ed in Integrated Science
M. Sc. Ed. (Botany)
M. Sc. Ed. (Chemistry)
M. Sc. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
M. Sc. Ed. (Mathematics)
M. Sc. Ed. (Physics)
M. Sc. Ed. (Zoology)
M.A. (Ed) in Integrated Science
M.Phil. (Ed) in Integrated Science
Ph. D. Curriculum Studies (Science Option)
Dept of Sociology and Anthropology – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD (Social Work and Social Development)
Master of Industrial and Labour Relations (Executive)
Dept of Soil Science – 2022/2023 Harmattan
Dept of Surveying and Geoinformatics – 2022/2023 Harmattan
M.Sc. Geospatial Information Production and Land Administration (M.Sc. GISLA)
M.Sc. Geospatial Information Production and Management (M.Sc. GIPM)
Dept of Urban and Regional Planning – 2022/2023 Harmattan
PGD – Housing and Urban Renewal Processes
PGD – Landscape Planning
PGD – Planning Process and Waste Management
PGD – Transportation Planning
M.Phil (Urban and Regional Planning)
Dept of Zoology – 2022/2023 Harmattan