FUHSI Orientation Exercise for 2022/2023 New Students


FUHSI Orientation Exercise for 2022/2023 New Students

Join Federal University of Health Science, Ila Orangun (FUHSI)orientation programme for fresh students on April 11-12, 2023, to learn about campus resources, academic expectations, support services, and extracurricular activities while connecting with peers, faculty, and staff.

The Federal University of Health Science, Ila Orangun (FUHSI), is excited to welcome its newest students with an orientation program scheduled for April 11th and 12th, 2023. This two-day event will provide fresh students with valuable information and resources to help them transition smoothly into university life and excel in their academic pursuits at FUHSI.

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FUHSI Orientation Program Overview

The FUHSI orientation program is designed to introduce new students to the university’s culture, academic expectations, support services, and extracurricular activities. The program aims to foster a sense of community among fresh students, allowing them to connect with their peers, faculty, and staff while becoming familiar with the campus and its resources.
Program Schedule and Highlights

The two-day orientation program will be packed with informative sessions, workshops, and social activities to ensure that new students feel welcomed and prepared for their academic journey at FUHSI. Some highlights of the program include:Welcome address by the Vice-Chancellor and other university officials
Campus tour, introducing students to key facilities and landmarks
Academic expectations and success strategies, featuring tips from experienced faculty and staff
Information sessions on student support services, such as academic advising, counseling, and health services
Overview of extracurricular activities, including clubs, societies, and sports teams
Workshops on study skills, time management, and stress reduction techniques
Icebreaker activities and social events to facilitate connections among new students
Attendance and Registration

All fresh students are strongly encouraged to attend the orientation program, as it provides an excellent opportunity to acclimate to university life and build a strong foundation for success at FUHSI. Registration details and a complete schedule of events will be provided to new students via email and posted on the university’s website.

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