D-Prize 2023 Challenge for Aspiring Entrepreneurs Worldwide
Join the D-Prize Challenge 2023 to fight poverty by delivering proven interventions at scale. Aspiring entrepreneurs can win up to $20,000 to launch their organization, tackling challenges in health access, water, education, agriculture, livelihoods, energy, public services, and more. Apply now!
The D-Prize Challenge is back for 2023, offering aspiring entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to create a lasting impact in the fight against poverty. The competition aims to close the delivery gaps in proven poverty interventions by seeding new ventures that can distribute these tools effectively. If you have a scalable solution to deliver a proven poverty intervention, you could win up to $20,000 USD to launch your organization. Read on to find out more about the D-Prize Challenge 2023 and how you can participate.
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The D-Prize Challenge focuses on several key areas where the delivery of proven interventions can make a significant difference. These include:
Health Access:Self-injectable Contraceptive Challenge
Oxygen Challenge
Patient Identification Challenge
Maternal Health Challenge
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Challenge
Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission Challenge
Child Immunization Challenge
Sugar Daddy Awareness Challenge
Water:Clean Access to Water Challenge
Education:Teaching at the Right Level Challenge
Agriculture:Quality Inputs Challenge
Post-harvest Support Challenge
Propose your own Agriculture Challenge
Propose your own Livestock Challenge
Livelihoods:Poverty Graduation Challenge
Propose your own Financial Inclusion Challenge
Energy:Solar Lamp Challenge
Public Services:Government Transparency Challenge
Road Safety Challenge
Custom:Propose Your Own Challenge: D-Prize is specifically interested in distributing proven poverty interventions to those in need. If you know of a highly-effective intervention that is backed by credible evidence, they want to hear what it is and see your plan to increase its distribution.
D-Prize Competition PrizeD-Prize will award the most promising teams with up to $20,000 USD to launch their new organization wherever extreme poverty exists.
D-Prize Competition EligibilityD-Prize is for aspiring entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world, of any age, and any background. The majority of their awardees have not launched nor raised any funding.
They will consider funding existing organizations only if you are distributing an existing intervention and you have a need for high-risk capital that cannot be supported by your current donors or revenue.
Existing organizations applying to D-Prize should have operated for no more than 18 months and raised no more than $30,000 in outside funding.
Organizers are only able to evaluate applications submitted in English. However, your English does not need to be perfect to apply, and grammar and vocabulary errors will not be penalized. We only want to understand your idea.
D-Prize Competition Evaluation Process
The D-Prize Challenge’s evaluation process consists of four rounds:Round 1: Submission of concept note and resume(s) from over 2,000 applicants.
Round 2: Top 5% of entrepreneurs invited to answer short-written questions.
Final Round: Top entrepreneurs interviewed via phone and email, with the top 1% receiving up to $20,000 to launch their venture.
Launch: A three-month period for winners to use their talents to start a venture capable of helping millions of people.
How to Enter D-Prize Competition
To apply, select a challenge from the list above and be prepared to meet the following deadlines:Early Submission Deadline: May 14, 2023, at 23:59 PT (Pacific Time, UTC -7)
Regular Submission Deadline: June 4, 2023, at 23:59 PT
Extension Deadline (limited to people who register): June 24, 2023, at 23:59 PT. Register for an extension
Download the application packet and visit the D-Prize Challenge website for more information.