MOUAU's 30th Founders Day & Pearl Anniversary 2023


MOUAU's 30th Founders Day & Pearl Anniversary 2023

Michael Okpara University celebrates its 30th Founders Day/Pearl Anniversary from 29th August to 1st September 2023. Events span a Student's Day with a press conference, an Alumni Day with an inter-denominational service, an Open Day with lectures focusing on leadership and agriculture, and culminating in an Awards Day with entertainment. Notable speakers include Prof. Chukwuma Charles Soludo and Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.


Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU) has formally announced its impending 30th Founders Day and Pearl Anniversary Celebration. The institution’s management eagerly invites the public to partake in the celebration, scheduled with an array of events spread across multiple days.

🎉 30th Founders Day Michael Okpara University’s Pearl Anniversary Celebration.
🎤 29th Aug: Students’ Day 11am: Press Conference & 4pm: Novelty Match. Venue: Vice-Chancellor’s Room & MOUAU Mini Stadium.
🎓 30th Aug: Alumni Day 10am: Inter-denominational Service & 2pm: Alumni session. Venue: Senator Anyim Pius Anyim Auditorium.
📣 31st Aug: Open Day 2pm: Founder’s Day Lecture & 10am-4pm: Exhibition. Theme centred on Leadership, Agriculture & Growth.
🎙 Keynote Speaker His Excellency, Prof. Chukwuma Charles Soludo: Leadership & Entrepreneurship.
✉ Special Message From Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General, World Trade Organization (WTO).
📅 1st Sept: Awards Day 12noon: Jumaat Prayers & 2pm: Awards/Entertainment at Senator Pius Anyim Auditorium.
🏟 Main Venue Senator Anyim Pius Anyim Auditorium for most events.

Programme Rundown
Tuesday, 29th August 2023: STUDENTS’ DAY11.00am: Press Briefing by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Maduebibisi Of Iwe CFS FNIFST.Location: Vice-Chancellor’s Conference Room
4.00pm: Novelty Football MatchLocation: MOUAU Mini Stadium
Wednesday, 30th August 2023: ALUMNI DAY10.00am: Inter-denominational Worship ServiceLocation: Senator Anyim Pius Anyim Auditorium
2.00pm: Alumni Gathering Session
Thursday, 31st August 2023: OPEN DAY2.00pm: Founders Day LectureChairperson: Prof. Chinedum Nwajiuba FASN, Ex-Vice-Chancellor of AE-FUNAI and Former Pro-Chancellor of Federal University of Agric, Zuru, Kebbi State.
Theme: “Leadership, Agriculture, and Entrepreneurship: The Dr. Michael Iheonukara Okpara Model for National Growth and Identity.”Theme Review: Prof. Uchenna Nwachuku from Southern Connecticut University, USA
Keynote Address: His Excellency, Prof. Chukwuma Charles Soludo CFR, Executive Governor of Anambra State and former Chief of Central Bank of Nigeria.
Special Address: Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Location: Senator Anim Pius Anyim Auditorium
10.00am-4.00pm: Showcase ExhibitionLocation: Surroundings of Senator Anyim Pius Anyim Auditorium
Friday, 1st September 2023: AWARDS DAY12noon: Jumaat Prayers
2.00pm: Honouring Achievements and Entertainment ActivitiesLocation: Senator Pius Anyim Auditorium

This robust line-up of events not only pays homage to the foundation and achievements of MOUAU but also provides an opportunity for the public, alumni, and students to converge, share experiences, and celebrate.

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